Bob's Gardening Site


Today there is such an array of containers for the discerning grower that there will be containers of all shapes, sizes, colours, and materials to suit everyone's needs. Before you go rushing out to spend your hard earned money on a multitude of containers and tubs it is well worth spending a little time to consider what most meets your needs i.e.: position, material, and type of plants you wish to grow in the type of container you finally decide to buy, because if you want to grow your plants as successfully as possible, you need to have a fairly good knowledge of their individual needs.

Mediterranean Plants

If you decide you would like to grow some Mediterranean plants you must place them in as sunny a position as possible. They will require really good drainage so,  plastic type containers are to be avoided wherever possible to avoid them becoming waterlogged. Don't move them indoors to soon so that they have plenty of time to harden off, and they should be over wintered in cool, well lit conditions and kept only very slightly moist.

Acid soil plants

Acid soil loving plants are also in my humble opinion some of the most beautiful plants which can be grown in containers i.e.: Azaleas, rhododendrons, and camellias to mention just three. The flowering season will depend on the species chosen, most species prefer shade or semi-shade although some will tolerate sun, all species grow best if you use an ericaceous compost. Water logging should be avoided at all costs so don't use plastic type containers if possible. If you  remove the seed heads before they fully mature it will encourage next years flower formation.







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