This is such a large and complex subject that the best we can hope for is to give a brief summary of the main points. Just because we grow the plants in containers it dont mean that they wont suffer from any of the pests and diseases,when you consider that the majority of them come from countries with different climates to our own, its hardly surprising they surcome. If you catch the problem in its early stages, the remedy is usually easily delt with useing environmentally friendly measures. One way to limit the pest attacks is by companion planting(planting alongside suitable neighbours) and in the ideal situation for the plant (dont put sunlovers in the shade) or visa versa. You should only resort to the use of chemicals as a last resort. It is now recognised that chemical treatments kill as many benificial insects as they do pests. Some of the diseases you may find among your plants are listed below with the symptoms and treatments.





  mosaic disease   Leaves specled with yellow.then distorted growth disorders  No treatment available.Destroy the plant

 Powdery mildew

white coating on leaves,flowers,buds,&branches

  stunted growth and deformed leaves  remove affected parts. spray with field horsetailbroth. fugicides


litlle yellow or brown postules on leaves

  leaves fall prematurely,growth weakend  remove leaves. dont use on compost heap. fungacides

 Sooty mould.

sticky black sooty coating on leaves

  leaves turn yellow and drop prematurely and plant weakens  collect and destroy leaves. fungicides

 Stem/root rot.

rot begines in roots tubers and rhizomes

  poor show of blooms then plant dies off.  destroy affected plants,improve soil, fundicides

  Grey mould.

grey velvety coating on leaves and flowers

  plant rots and wilts, buds fail to open.  remove diceased parts, improve ventilation,reduce watering,avoid nitrogen rich feeds.



green,grey,or black sucking insects

  puckered leaves,shoot tips die off,plant weakens,sooty moulds form.  extract of wormwood,pyretyrum spray,insecticides


not all are pests

  leaves have holes and deformed,flowers deformed  pick off by hand. insecticides

 Leaf miners.

caterpillars of leaf mining moth

  misshapen passages eaten through leaves   remove affected leaves.

 Red spider mites.

small usually red-coloured mites

  leaves drop as sap is drawn off.  put plant in shade and sprinkle with warm water, insecticides


tiny mothlike insects on underside of leaves.

 damage to leaves from sap removal, sooty moulds tend to form.  hard to treat,sticky insect sheets, insecticides


small black flying insects


white flecks on leaves and flowers


 pyrethrum spray if attack is severe.




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